FHA mortgages can be easy to qualify for regardless of your credit score. FHA allows bad credit and you need virtually no equity to qualify for a government refinance.
FHA paperwork electronically, the FHA TOTAL Scorecard is used to measure the credit risk of all FHA loans submitted through the automatic underwriting system. Your FHA loan is processed through a qualified and approved FHA lender. Applications submitted through FHA TOTAL are evaluated by a standardized scoring procedure creating a quick, fair and seamless evaluation. The FHA's TOTAL system is internet based and works in real time.
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Home Loans for All Types of Credit No Cost and No Obligation to Apply.
3 out 4 applications are approved.
Compensating Factors
Borrower Name
Housing To Income Ratio
[ 0 ] 36.01 - 38.00%
Debt To Income Ratio
[ 0 ] 46.01 - 48.00%
Loan To Value
[ 0 ] > 95.00% LTV and all cash-out refis
Reserves After Closing
[ 0 ] Less Than One Month PITI Reserves
Average Middle Credit Score
[ 0 ] 560 - 599 (or no credit scores for any borrower)
Monthly Payments Increase / Decrease
[ 0 ] Payments increasing by less than 100%
HUD Pre-Purchase Counseling
[ 0 ] Did not attend HUD Pre-Purchase Counseling
Previous Bankruptcy
[ 0 ] No bankruptcies OR discharged more than 7 years
Previous Forclosure
[ 0 ] No foreclosures OR completed more than 7 years
Stability of Employment
[ 0 ] Less than 2 years on current job
Part-Time Job History
[ 0 ] No part-time income unsed with <1 year history
Mortgage Lates
[ 0 ] No lates in last twelve months
Purpose of Loan
[ 0 ] Purchase or any cash-out
Residual Monthly Income
[ 0 ] $1,000 less Piti less $500 borrower less $250 per child
The interest rates for FHA refinance and home purchase loans remain competitive and comparable to conventional Fannie Mae mortgage rates. The 15-year rates are available today at 2.875% and the 30-year rates have fallen to 3.625% on loans that are insured by the FHA.
Borrowers are given fixed rate grace with exceptions for qualifying made for borrowers who were not late prior to their mortgage adjusting.